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First Steps To Enter Animation Industry From Home

Writer's picture: SamarSamar

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

Who among us has not dreamed of designing his own animation? Or he joins a team or studio for the animation industry, especially since the tools are available today, from hardware and software, and so on, so there is no excuse for not entering this field, and I will guide you to the initial easy ways, in order to start entering the field of the animation industry from home

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

Be your own animation studio

In the age in which we live, everything has become available to us, and an example of that is computers, so try to provide any device according to your ability, not just computers, as tablets and mobile phones are a good start.

Download drawing and animation programs that are suitable for your device type, whether you are working on a computer or mobile phone, and some of them are free, so take advantage of the opportunity and learn about them immediately.

Practice and practice daily, as you will not be able to improve your use of these programs the first time, especially since the drawing skill must be available to you, so half an hour of drawing training per day is sufficient.

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

Watch the anime and learn

The best way to learn animation is to watch anime, to learn how the characters are animated, the number of frames required, and the speed of each movement, all just by watching.

Watching anime also increases your desire to make your own anime, and eliminates boredom or art block, and this works for me a lot.

Do not watch more than one or two episodes a day, in the end, anime is considered a waste of time, in the event that it takes all our days, so do not make your life dependent on these imaginary anime

Do not lie on the sofa and watch anime for hours, as if it were a jihad, as many do, who spend their lives in closing anime as if it was an obligation.

The best way to see it is when you're working, for example, open a ring on the phone, put it near you, and carry on with your work as normal

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

Stay away from unsocial media

Perhaps it is a new term for the phrase "social networking sites", because unfortunately it has become a tool that many people waste their time with, watching videos and reels that steal life and a lot of time.

Your use of these spacing sites will distract you from drawing and moving, so as long as the phone is near you, you will never complete your animation.

Do not forget that these sites are not a reason for you to sit alone in your room. It is necessary, after you finish drawing, to communicate with your family, leaving your phone behind.

It is an appropriate opportunity to practice drawing more, by bringing your pen and sketchbook, sitting with your family, and drawing next to them.

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

Movement is a blessing

It is an appropriate opportunity to practice drawing more, by bringing your pen and sketchbook, sitting with your family, and drawing next to them.

After you finish moving, get dressed, get out of the house and walk at least 6,000 steps a day, this is how you will gain more energy.

Walk in the garden, among the trees and the picturesque nature, or in the street and watch people and mix with them, your mood will change a lot, and you will become more active.

First Steps To Enter Animation Industry  Samar Art

When we cooperate, we succeed!

It is said, “Give the bread to the baker, even if he eats half of it.” And this is true. You cannot compose, draw, dub, and engineer the sound on your own. Rather, you have to cooperate with people specialized in these fields.

When you finish the animation, send the characters to the dubbers. Then send all the sounds to the sound engineer when you cooperate with him, and then if you want, ask one of your brothers to produce your animations and so on.

Because one hand does not clap, it is necessary to get to know your colleagues via the Internet, to share ideas, exchange experiences, and cooperate in the field of producing some episodes of animation.

These were only the first steps, and it is only the beginning, to arrange yourself, and to know what you should do when you enter the field of animation, so, next time, I will walk with you the steps and programs that you will need, so wait for me!


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